Silicon: the best ally for firm skin

Silicium : le meilleur allié pour une peau ferme

Silicon is one of the most abundant chemical elements on earth. It is second only to oxygen. It was discovered in 1817 by Jöns Jacob Berzelius, a Swedish chemist.

Two forms of silicon exist in nature:

  • Organic
  • Mineral

Mineral silicon is an essential constituent of the earth's crust.

It is also an essential trace element for our organism (organic source), as it is involved in the development of connective tissue, found in muscles, skin, bones, cartilage and arteries. It is also involved in bone mineralization processes.

It is strongly recommended to have an intake of around 25 mg/day for an adult; we know that Silicon concentration decreases with age, especially if we eat less fruit and vegetables.

As a result, the risk of deficiencies increases:

  • Growth retardation
  • Fractures
  • Premature aging of the skin
  • Tendonitis
  • Brittle nails and hair
  • Osteoporosis

Silicon: where to find this trace element?

As previously mentioned, Silicium helps maintain bone health, and stimulates the formation of collagen fibers to tone and firm the skin. It also plays a part in the structure of keratin, making hair denser and nails less brittle.

It is therefore important to have a regular intake of Silicon, which is present in :

  • Plant products: wholegrain cereals, external fruits, vegetables
  • water
  • coffee

Plants containing the highest concentrations of organic silicon are nettles, horsetail or bamboo, wheat, oats and barley.

To effectively make up for your skin's deficiencies, Silicium-based cosmetics are now available.

Silicon in cosmetics to firm your skin

Silicon is involved in the synthesis of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. It therefore contributes to the skin's elasticity and suppleness; these actions are therefore very interesting in anti-aging products, for the prevention of premature skin aging (reduction of wrinkles, skin firming).

Silicium is also involved in the production of immune system cells and certain antibodies, providing additional protection for the skin.

Silicium: which Gemology product is essential to make up for a silicium deficiency?

Silicium, mainly used inanti-wrinkle skincare products, also acts on cell renewal, giving it the benefits of anti-aging cosmetics as a whole.

Gemology has created Amethyst Concentrate, which is rich in Amethyst, a stone composed mainly of Silicon. This trace element acts here as a firming agent, and is coupled with Chromium, another trace element, with mattifying properties.

In short, Silicium is an essential element in the health of our organism. Its benefits are well known and recognized:

  • Maintains bone capital
  • Reduces the risk of osteoporosis, arthrosis and atherosclerosis
  • Preserves healthy hair and nails
  • Softens, firms and tones the skin
  • Delays the appearance of wrinkles and stretch marks.

Discover our range of innovative products and let yourself be seduced by silicon-rich products.